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Transportation Home

Below is the link to the annual Application for Non-Public and Parochial Transportation and the Annual Transportation form for In-District students for the 2025–2026 School Year. Please complete the appropriate form and return it to the transportation department by August 1, 2025.

Inclement weather for Non-Public and Parochial Schools. Marion Transportation does not transport in a closed school District. Please check to see what school district your private or parochial school resides in.


"The school bus is an extension of the classroom ~ Students should act accordingly." 

 Transportation Contact

4048 Park Dr.

Marion, NY 14505

(315) 926-2436

(315) 926-2320 (Fax)


Transportation Office Hours

When school is in session, the office is staffed from 6:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. The building is sporadically staffed when school is not in session, and hours may vary.  We have a 24-hour voice mailbox, so you are free to leave us a message at any time.  Please note that if we are currently on the phone, it will send you to the voice mailbox.


Our Philosophy

Our primary responsibility is the safety and well-being of each student who rides a Marion School bus.  We are regulated by the State Education Department, the Department of Transportation, and the Department of Motor Vehicles. Our drivers are professional people who value the children that they transport. Some of our staff members are involved with third-generation students. The Marion Transportation Department takes pride in its safety record and D.O.T. ratings.


Bus Passes

Children will be expected to ride to and from school on their regularly assigned bus. If your child needs to be picked up at a different location, a request must be made in writing and given to the student's teacher or to the bus driver. You can also email DAILY passes to It is important to note that permanent arrangements for childcare providers DO NOT carry over to the next year. For the safety of your child, bus changes will not be authorized over the telephone for any reason.  Please bear in mind that while this can be an inconvenience at times, it is enforced in an effort to keep your child safe.  There is no way to identify a caller over the phone as the child’s parent or guardian.  We will accept faxed bus passes for emergency situations only and ask that they be followed up with a phone call to be sure it was received. Birthday parties, visiting friends, riding lessons, scouts, and other similar activities are not eligible for bus passes and will be denied.


Who is Responsible?

The School District assumes responsibility for each child only after they have boarded their school bus.  Supervision for each child should be arranged before and after school, including bus stops.  Section 22:31 of the NYS Education Law states, “Districts are not liable for the supervision and safety of students who are outside the district's physical custody or authority prior to boarding or after disembarking from a school bus.” While every effort will be made by the bus driver to not deliver a child to a residence that does not have an adult at home, the Marion Central School District is not responsible for children once they have left the school bus.