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Academic Intervention Services

Academic Intervention Services (AIS) are NYSED mandated services designed to help students achieve the learning standards in English language arts and mathematics in grades K-12 and social studies and science in grades 4-12.  These services include two components:

  • additional instruction that supplements the general curriculum (regular classroom instruction);


  • student support services needed to address barriers to improved academic performance.

The intensity of such services may vary, but are designed to respond to student needs as indicated through State assessment results and/or district-adopted or district-approved procedures that are consistent throughout the district at each grade level.  These guidelines are outlined in the District AIS Plan.

Response to Intervention (RTI):

NYS Regulations define Response to Intervention (RtI) as a school district's process to determine if a student responds to scientific, research-based instruction. Effective July 1, 2012, all school districts in NYS must have an RtI program in place as part of its evaluation process to determine if a student in grades K-4 is a student with a learning disability in the area of reading. (NYSED, 2009).  RTI is a multi-tiered early prevention and intervention system designed to improve outcomes for all students.  For more information please see our District RTI Policy.

This pamphlet provides parents, families and others with information regarding Response to Intervention (RtI). RtI is a process used in schools to provide well-designed instruction, closely monitor all students’ progress and provide additional instructional supports to students who are struggling. This additional help is to assist those students to keep up with learning in their classrooms, particularly in the areas of reading and math. At the end of this pamphlet, there is a reference list which provides sources for additional information for parents and websites where these resources can be found.