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Budget Information

Budget FAQ

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Marion Central School budget process:

1. What is the budget timeline and process?

The budget process begins with the Board of Education approval of the budget development calendar in November of each year. In December and January each building principal works with their staff to determine the needs for supplies, equipment, textbooks, and conferences. Each department director determines their needs for supplies, equipment, and conferences. The administrative team works with the Board of Education to ensure that the budget meets the needs of the District and is in alignment with the District’s mission and vision while being fiscally responsible. There is a budget committee that meets four or five times beginning in January and ending in early April. The Board approves the budget in mid to late April and the voters vote on the budget on the third Tuesday in May.

2. Does the Marion Central School District determine my tax bill?

No, the District establishes the tax levy based off of a formula and the 2% tax cap calculation established by New York State. A school district can only raise the tax levy the lesser of the 2% tax cap calculation or the consumer price index (CPI).  This is called a levy limit.  Any proposed tax increase that is greater than the levy limit requires an approval of a 60% supermajority. The town assessor determines your property assessment, which determines your school tax bill. 

3. How have school taxes compared to years in the past?

The true value tax rate has decreased dramatically since 2016. In 2016, the true value tax rate was $23.96 per $1,000 of full assessed value. This year it is $17.53 per $1,000 of full assessed value. The property values have increased dramatically in recent years as a result of COVID and the tax levy is limited to the 2% tax cap. As a result, the true value tax rates have decreased significantly.

4. Where does all the revenue come from to support the budget?

State aid covers 60% or more of the revenue for the budget. Property taxes cover about one third of the revenue. The rest comes from interest earnings, Wayne County sales tax, and miscellaneous sources like sales of surplus items.

5. What does the money get spent on?

Over 70% of expenditures go to wages and benefits. About 9% of the budget goes towards conferences and contracts for services.  These contracts include items like utilities, maintenance of facilities, insurance, attorneys, architects, fiscal advisors, garbage collection and snow removal. Another 17% of the budget goes to BOCES to pay for items like Special Education services and placement, vocational education, public relations, computer services, legal services and worker’s compensation. The remainder of the budget goes to supplies and equipment.

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6. Who do I contact if I have more questions regarding the budget?

Please contact Richard Walker, the School Business Administrator, at 315-926-2402 or


 Budget Committee Workshop Dates (2024-25 Budget Development)


*All meetings are in the Jr/Sr High Library prior to the Board of Education meeting unless otherwise noted*

Jan. 22, 2024

Feb. 12, 2024

March 4, 2024

March 18, 2024  No Meeting

April 9, 2024*

April 16, 2024 


Absentee Ballot Information