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Marion Messages

Community and school organizations offer wonderful and enriching activities and events throughout the year. To keep the community informed, Marion Central School District will send out a bi-weekly newsletter outlining events in both buildings and our community.


The district does not send paper flyers/promotional materials home to students.  Approved information will be posted only in our Marion Messages e-mail.  Please note that the district does not sponsor nor endorse these activities/events. The information is provided as a courtesy service to the community.

General guidelines for Marion Messages

  • Each Event/Flyer must be approved before it can be included in Marion Messages.
  • Events/Flyers that are in conflict with district-sponsored programs will not be approved.
  • Flyers that contain advertising or are submitted by any group that is not sanctioned as a school/town support organization cannot be posted.
  • The district will not be held liable for incorrect information within a Flyer.

Each flyer must include the following on it. This may be placed anywhere on the flyer and maybe in a smaller font size:

NOTE: Disclaimer does not apply to school/district-sponsored activities and programs.

  • Name of the person and/or organization in charge of the event
  • Contact information (phone number and/or email address) 
  • Disclaimer statement: This event, activity, or program is not sponsored by the Marion Central School District. Approval does not imply endorsement but is a courtesy service to the community.

Application procedure for Marion Messages

  • Submit the request and flyer in PDF format to
  • The request and flyer must be submitted at least one week prior to the requested posting date.
  • Events/Flyers must be timely and will not be posted earlier than two (2) weeks prior to the event or three (3) weeks if the event has a sign-up deadline.
  • If the request is declined or district personnel has any questions about the application, only then will the district notify the person making the request by email. Otherwise, the Event/Flyer is approved and the person making the request will not be notified. 

All Marion Messages requests must be submitted to 
Sandy Friday at

Please note that all submissions must adhere to the district's policy on advertising in schools (BOE policy 3272) and are subject to approval. Please do not email individual buildings. If you have any questions on Marion Messages, please contact Sandy Friday at