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Office of Superintendent



Dr. Ellen Lloyd 


The safety and security of our students and staff has been, and will always be, our number one priority.  To this end, I wanted to share with all of you where we are with safety and security and potential next steps.

Marion Central School District Safety Updates

 Procedures and Practices Already in Place

  • There is an existing District Safety Committee that meets regularly.
  • Each year, the district revises and implements its state-approved district and building safety plans. Through these plans, response procedures are developed for a wide range of emergency circumstances.  These procedures are maintained on a flip chart in each classroom/office in the district.
  • The district annually practices 12 emergency drills, including evacuation and other emergency response plans.
  • The district maintains a single point of entry to each building. Visitors are vetted through the Raptor visitor management system and receive a badge to wear.
  • Video surveillance is established within hallways and outside buildings.
  • Both the NYS Troopers and Wayne County Sheriff have toured our buildings to learn the layout and identify potential weak points. Additionally, these departments have copies of our district/building plans and building maps, and annually observe and provide feedback regarding our lock-down procedures.
  • Each faculty member is annually required to complete student mental-health training through Safe Schools to learn how to identify and respond to individuals who may be a risk to themselves or others.
  • In 2017, the administrative team received training from a security expert on how to respond in the event of an active shooter situation.
  • Marion participates in the Rapid Responder program, which provides the district with professional consultant services in situational planning and assists in coordinating emergency response efforts between the district and local first responders.

Additional Safety and Security Measures Already Under Implementation or Consideration

  • The district’s upcoming building project has a major component that addresses the needed redesign of Marion Elementary to include both a single point of entry and a double entry-door requirement.
  • The district is exploring next-level training programs for faculty and staff, which focus on potential responses beyond lock-down procedures.
  • The district is working with our architects to identify potential structural or equipment additions or modifications which could better “harden” our buildings.
  • The district is reviewing possible funding in this year’s NYS state budget, which could make the addition of a school resource officer financially feasible for the district.
  • The district will be creating and sharing a hotline number, whereby tipsters could share information regarding potential threats to the district.
  • Through W-FL BOCES, the district is reviewing a product called Social Sentinel. This program uses algorithms to scour all social media and identify potential threats to the district.
  • In conjunction with the Rapid Responder program, district leadership will be adding the Easy Alert app to our mobile phones. This app keeps all the district leadership and local early responders continuously updated (with push notifications) on drills planned or in progress, as well as current emergency response situations.
  • In conjunction with new ESSA requirements from the state and federal governments, a curriculum will be developed to educate students about mental health.
  • The district is currently implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). This approach emphasizes proactive strategies to support positive social, emotional, and behavioral development in our students.