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Facilities Home

(315) 926-2300 EXT: 3072

Facilities Use Requests: 
The District is now using ML Schedules to process requests for Facilities use.  To enter a request, please follow the steps below after reading the District's Facility Use Policy: 


  1. The Marion School buildings and grounds may be used for community purposes, consistent with the provisions of Education Law, when such use does not conflict with school use.
  2. In the event of a conflict regarding the use of school facilities between community and school groups, preference will be given to the school group.  
  3. State Law prevents the use of school facilities for events where admission fees are charged if the proceeds are to be applied for the benefit of a religious group or denomination, or of a fraternal, secret or exclusive society or organization other than organizations of veterans, and organizations of volunteer firefighters or ambulance workers.
  4. Any group using the buildings or grounds assumes the financial responsibility for any damage or destruction of school property other than normal wear and tear caused by the group’s activity.  The person in charge of the activity is responsible to immediately report any damage or destruction to the custodian. The School District will present an invoice for the cost of repairs or replacement of damaged or destroyed property.
  5. When the cafeteria kitchen is used, at least one regular cafeteria worker must be employed to supervise.  When buildings are used, custodial service is required. The sponsoring organization must pay the School District for these services.
  6. Organizations must provide proof of adequate public liability insurance for any activity, listing the School District as an additional insured.  All participants in an organization’s activities should be sponsored by the organization. Organizations agree to indemnify and to save harmless the School District from and against any and all claims arising from or out of their use of the premises, unless caused by or resulting from the School District’s negligence, it’s agents, contractors, or employees.