Melissa Levi, Director of Student Support Services
CPSE Chairperson - Jennifer Rosa
Kim VanHall, Secretary, (315) 926-2401
Kim Wemesfelder, IEP Direct Coordinator, (315) 926-2411
Fax (315) 926-2416
The Office of Special Education is dedicated and committed to meeting the diverse needs of our students, including their academic, social, emotional and physical needs. Marion strives to provide appropriate educational programs and services. In order to meet each student's individual needs and ensure success in their educational program, the Committee on Special Education (CSE) and Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) are responsible for recommendations regarding the identification, evaluation and programming for children who require special education services.
Please feel free to contact our office for more information.
Procedural Safe Guard Notice - English Version
Procedural Safe Guard Notice - Spanish Version